Tax Audit Defense Services

Have you been notified
of a tax audit?

FM Cost Containment can provide tax audit defense services in all 50 states.

More often than not a sales use tax audit is an opportunity. Many of our clients find that they have overpaid more than they have underpaid. Which means that an audit can actually lead to a refund. Here are some success stories:

  • FM helped turn a $200,000 sales/use audit assessment into a $300,000 refund ($500,000 net financial impact) for a 500 Bed Luxury Hotel.
  • FM helped turn a $300,000 sales/use taxaudit assessment into a $500,000 refund ($800,000 net financial impact) for a $1 billion food manufacturer.
  • FM helped turn a $2 million sales/use tax audit assessment into $1.2 million refund. ($3.2 Million in financial impact) for a multi-billion dollar commercial mortgage lender.
  • FM turned a $200,000 sales/use tax audit into a $50,000 refund ($250,000in financial impact) for a $300 Million cleaning services and security company.

Let’s chat, confidentially, about your company’s tax audit strategy, please email: or call: 484.580.8907.

Tax Audit Timeline . . .

State tax auditor notifies you.

You, your CFO and/or your accountant contacts FM Cost Containment for a second opinion to advise in developing your audit defense strategy.

FM Cost Containment reviews the taxes and periods in question to find issues, overpayments and opportunities.

FM Cost Containment works with you to refine your audit defense strategy to help you decide your course of action, which may also include advising your team on pursuing a resolution directly.

Our experts are available to negotiate with auditors, often finding overpayments to cancel out money owed and possibly even securing a refund!

Bob Wunderlich, US Tax Director,
Vishay Intertechnology Inc

“Holy Cow! I’m stunned! Good job sir… I don’t know what you did, but I think this was an amazing outcome and kudos to you for achieving this. I was certainly hoping for a favorable decision, but just figured after our last experience, the state was just playing hardball now.”

Note, that although approx. 90% of ourrevenue is from contingent fees, 10% isderived from fee for service.

Get a second opinion!
